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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sweet Memories

There's just something about memories that always does a soul some good. Being able to reflect on periods of time in your life that brought happiness, joy, laughter, and learning curves. Memories can mold us into who we are today, shape us as the person that God intends us to be. It's even sweeter when memories have family and friends involved, life that was shared together.
Just the other day, I was able to catch up with a sweet friend of mine that I have known since birth. No lie. Our mothers were friends {and still are} while they were pregnant with us and she was born just 2 months before me. 29 years of life lived together in different parts of the world, in different life situations, and we find our way back to each other. You know it's a true sisterhood when you can see each other after months apart and pick up right where you left off.
As my friend and I reminisced over life and the adventures we've had together and individually, I couldn't help but to thank God for her. Lapoo {as I call her} is a true woman of God - strong, independent, fiercely loyal, and above all, loving. She loves without end and fights for the good. I've always admired my sweet sister in her adoration of her Father, the way she finds joy in all things. She IS Proverbs 31:29-31.
To all the women in the world - let's cherish each other, build each other up, and root for each other.
To my sisters in Christ - let's love each other and represent to the world what God's love looks like. Can you imagine the change that could come about?

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