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Friday, April 3, 2015

It is a Good Friday indeed

First and foremost, happy Good Friday! I absolutely love this time of year. It's a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and rebirths. It's a time of reminding ourselves why we are here, what our purpose(s) is, and really, just a reboot in life.
I can remember last year's Easter so vividly...
.... We spent the weekend getting the house ready for our families to come together on Easter Sunday to celebrate ....
.... Hunter and I were baptized on Easter Sunday with the sole purpose of showing our friends and family that we are pretty dang serious about out faith in Jesus ....
.... It was the day that Hunter asked me to be his wife ....
That day brings back so many warm memories! I truly hope that each and every Easter brings about warm memories, or allows for future memories to be made. Remember that, although the cadberry eggs are yummy and the egg hunts are fun, Easter is a monumental time in history. It is the time in which our dear Savior was murdered for His faith and good works, yet rose from death in the ultimate Resurrection.
It is the time in which He saved us from ourselves and our evilness, and did it with love and compassion. We are not worthy of His love, His death, His resurrection. But because of Him, we are given the opportunity to choose to have eternal life with Him someday.
I've had people ask me, "How can you believe something that is just so far-fetched?" My answer to them is this: Easy. My faith alone is what trumps my doubts. Let me put it to you this way: can you see the air around you to know that it's there? No, but you just know that it's there, surrounding you and providing the very essential aspect that you need to live. That's what my faith is to me - it's the air in which I need and I trust that it's around me, even though I can't necessarily see it.
Happiest of Easter's to you my friends!
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rain fall soft upon your fields. May God hold you in the hollow of His hands.

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  1. AMEN TO THIS. It's cool you have such fond memories of Easter!

  2. Getting baptized on Easter?! SO neat!! My brother did that years ago, on Easter as well. Something I'll never forget :) happy Good Friday, girl! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Powerful words & sweet memories. Happy Easter!

  4. Hope you had a great Easter, Kelly! :) Love everything you said here!
