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Monday, April 20, 2015

One for the books

Guys, this weekend was awesome. It was wonderfully exhausting and spiritually rejuvenating all in the same. Between spending time with friends, preparing for our huge youth event Saturday night to it finally happening, and then wrapping up the weekend with a wonderful baby shower, I can honestly say... I'm a very happy woman.
I will share more later on about each event such as decoration and foods, but for now, I just wanted to share some pictures I took from Saturday's youth event. While ya'll are feasting your eyes, I'll be working on trying to suck down multiple cups of coffee.



I'm so beyond grateful for God's love and mercies. It was a beautiful night seeing roughly 75 students lift their hearts and voices to praise God. I'm so grateful that God has a passion for people and welcomes us all with open, loving arms. Despite our flaws, despite our sins, He loves us. Talk about powerful?!

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

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  1. SO glad it went well!!! The lighting looks amazing!

  2. I love working with youth! Such an impressionable age and once they realize you're on their team, you have a friend for life. So happy your event went so well!
