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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Women for the Gospel

Happy Wednesday ya'll! This is coming a little later in the morning than usual but hey, life happens and sometimes you've just got to live it. Hunter and I have been invited to be guest speakers tonight for a youth group so we're very excited about that!
A couple weeks ago, I shared an article with ya'll that focuses on the aspect of women's ministry. A friend of mine had shared it with me when I voiced to her my desires to start a women's ministry group. With the details in place, the facebook event created, and the word is out... I wanted to share with ya'll the heart of this ministry.
Women's ministry, as of late, hasn't been getting the best of reputations. And honestly, I'm in agreement with many of those nay-sayers. I have noticed that many, not all, but many women's ministry groups are more focused on the social aspect of it all. Getting together to have breakfast, maybe study the Word, gossip about who is doing what seems to be the norm lately. Now like I said, not all of women's ministry groups are like this; if you're ministry group is out in the community and sharing the Gospel with others, then this doesn't necessarily apply to you.
With this stigma in mind and my passion for people (specifically women and teenage girls), I wanted to create a women's ministry that focused on 3 things:
Love the Lord with all our hearts and intentionally share it with other women in the community.
Come together to study the Word and create a safe haven where we can ask each other the hard questions that nobody wants to ask.
Do life together.
The most important piece of this entire women's ministry is to bring glory to God. If it doesn't do that, then it's a waste of time. Even though we're in "modern times" and women are held to much higher standards than they were several years ago, women still aren't fully regarded as equals in our communities. When you spend time with teenage girls, hear their stories that just absolutely wreck your heart, and find that it's almost considered "normal" because nobody can really do anything about it, then there's a problem.
We need to empower the women in our communities. We need to remind them that they are a child of God, created in His image, beautiful in every way, and that they can rise above the discrimination, abuse, and indifferences towards them. They can take this and share it with their families, teach their children how to live and love like Christ, and empower other women around them.
Clearly, I have a passion for this. Clearly, God has a passion for all the women in this world. When I mentioned being intentional, I meant we will go spend time with people that not a lot of folks want to spend time with because it's uncomfortable. That means women in prison, young mothers in the pregnancy center, the prostitutes and adult entertainment ladies... You name it. We're loving on them.
Friends, I ask that you will pray for this group. We're meeting in a week and a half, and I cannot wait. Pray that we will put the Lord first in everything we say and do. Pray that we will intentionally love each other and others in our communities. Pray that when we do life together and study the Word, it's with open hearts and minds because let's be honest, we all come from different walks of life.
If ya'll have any questions at all, please feel free to leave a comment or email me directly. I have so much passion and love for this ministry and rather than joining all those nay-sayers and doing nothing about it, I want to embrace those nay-sayers and change it for the better. As we meet and continue to share the Gospel, I will share some of the experiences to hopefully encourage others to do the same.

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  1. praying for you kelly! so much good can come from these groups. I have a woman's group that I meet with, we call it D-group. it is easy to get off track sometimes, but i think when you stick to accountability questions and being interested in others' struggles, we grow in incredible ways.
    we are reading "Growing Up" by Robby Gallaty. It is a very quick read and it has some suggested TOUGH questions to ask each other each week.

    praying for your group Kelly! I can't wait to hear the beneficial and positive things that come from this.


  2. So exciting that this group will be starting! Please keep us updated! Praying for you right now and hoping it goes great!
