in the fact that we have come a long way from our past, then maybe providing the means for irresponsible people (gasp, those exist??) to get absolutely drunk (because hey, go big or go home right, and it's free) may not be the best starting platform for our ministry.
Call us old-fashioned, call us goody goody, call us Jesus freaks. At the end of the day, we're paying for you to eat and drink, be appreciative of what you're receiving you heathen (I kid, slightly).
Another reason that is pretty obvious, is money. I would so much rather invest the money into really good food and cupcakes rather than beer and wine that you will most surely be urinating and possibly barfing up in just a few short hours. Seriously, barf up the dadgum good fried chicken before you lose the Bud Light. I digress.
Finally, probably one of the best reasons for me, what if a friend or family member drank themselves into a drunk stupor, drove home at the wee hours on these back country roads where the suicidal deer like to play chicken, and died. I know, I'm being slightly melodramatic but it's not far-fetched by any means. We've had that happen to friends and ya'll, I simply could not live with myself knowing that I had helped aid that person into a drunk stupor to only get behind the wheel, and lose their life.
Not happenin' captain.
Like I said earlier, at the end of the day it is our big day and we're standing by the decision we've made. We have received some push back from folks and honestly, I just give them our reasons (which I would like to add that we don't owe anybody reasons) and then inform them if being drunk is much more important to them than celebrating the marriage of 2 people, by all means, go drink your heart out in a bar. You're one less mouth I have to feed buddy.
I hope this didn't come off as a rant. Just simply a perspective on a subject of our wedding. We honestly cannot
wait to celebrate our marriage! Even if it's just us chickens dancing to the beat of Alan Jackson or the Allman Brothers while we sip on our sweet tea, I couldn't ask for anything more. And while I'm at it, I'm going to grab me a nice cold beer to celebrate our decision to have a dry wedding. How do you like them apples, heathens?? Again, I kid (on the heathens thing).