There is nothing like a homemade southern blueberry muffin, complete with the crunchy topping. It just exemplifies the southern way of life when it comes to eating -- we don't skip out on the good stuff, folks. Blueberry muffins and anything with peaches in it. Let me stop while I'm ahead because man, my mouth is watering.
Now that we've established all that is right and holy with the blueberry muffins, let's move on to some Bible reading musings. I'm going to be totally honest here, is that alright with ya'll?
I have always struggled with my Bible reading.
Like, always always. I have over the years admired the women in my life who can wake up before the sun rises, prepare their coffee and breakfast for the day (if they're a true southern woman, it's a blueberry muffin with crunchy topping, amen??), and dive into God's Word. And then they're able to go about their day and radiate the love of Christ to all they interact with. Very much the Proverbs 31 type gal.
Then there's me...
I would set my alarm earlier, threaten myself before falling asleep that if I didn't wake up so-help-me-God, only to hit snooze and sleep in. Then of course, I'm rushing around like a mad woman with her britches bunched in a wad and just chastising the very existence of my soul for not waking up when I should have. Then the guilt sets in, you read a couple quick verses because "it's the right thing" (no, it's not, not if your heart is not in the right place), and go on about my day. What a travesty. Also, for those that are muttering, "Well she can do her Bible reading before bed." No, no she cannot. Because as soon as my body goes horizontal, my eyes close. Believe me when I say I've tried!
BUT. There is always victory in Jesus.
I began a Bible reading plan through my Bible app and I thought to myself, "Okay, let's just read this. Let's dive into God's Word and READ it. Read it word for word as I would a novel." Again, let's be honest... Old habits die hard. But GOD. New habits can be formed with time, and perseverance, and patience, and the Spirit moving in you when you allow, and coffee, and blueberry muffins as snacks. The start was hard, I will not lie. But as I continued to press on toward the goal, I truly began to fall in love with the words before me. The stories and the reminders of God's faithfulness no matter what. Thank goodness for Jesus and His love for us!
My goal is to read the Bible entirely. I want to read the stories, psalms, passages, and love letters that my sweet Father intended for me. Once I have read through the Bible entirely, then I will go back through and dissect it piece by piece because for me, the stories will be familiar and I can say, "Oh! This is when this happened." Just as Jesus becomes familiar to me each and every day in my sanctification process, His Word will be like an old familiar friend when I read it. As a Christ follower, how can I NOT know my faith intimately? That would be like standing at the altar with Hunter making a vow to love and cherish... Only to turn, walk away, and hardly know the man. What is the point?? If I can do it, you can do it too.
Thank you, Lord, for your Word filled to the brim with love and grace. And thank you for blueberry muffins.
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